Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, October 21 ,2010. Wow, what a busy day......... It started out at 8 am with our group going out to pick the Chardonnay and Pinot Noir for the Champagne. Lynn and I were taken off picking around 2 pm when the grapes arrived from Beckenridge. We were moved up to the crush pad to work the destemmer and fill the totes (a tote is a heavy-weight plastic container about 4 feet x 4 feet by 4 1/2 to 5 feet deep) with grape juice and berries along with the appropriate amount of co2 per bin of fruit. Each bin (a bin is a 4x4x3 foot box that holds about 1,000 lbs of grapes) holds about 2 1/2 bins of fruit and that equates to about 2,100 pounds. After each tote is filled to within about 9 inches from the top it is moved by forklift into the fermentation room. Each tote is labeled, then a sample of the juice is taken along with its temperature and then the tote is covered with a sheet or blanket. Any additives are noted on each tote. We filled 5 totes with Pinot Noir, called it a day and went in to dinner around 6:30 pm. Just as we went inside it started to rain.

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